Minarets Coffee: Sipping Coffee in the Castle of 18th Century


Soloevent.id – Want to sip a cup of coffee in a classic 18th century atmosphere? You can stop by the Minarets Coffee. By the owner, Irsyad Hanafi, this cafe transform into a fun and classic coffee place. For coffee connoisseurs, tasting espresso made from sophisticated machines may be commonplace, however, in Minarets Coffee, coffee is made using classic machines.

Minarets Coffee serves Gayo coffee. The selected coffee beans are directly chosen by Irsyad so the quality is maintained. Coffee processing is still done manually using colonial-era non-electric classic coffee machines, for example Erzade Espresso Machine and Our Very Old Coffee Grinding Machine.



The atmosphere of the past is also supported by architecture and interior arrangement. From the outside, Coffee Minarets look like ancient European castles. The building has three floors. The top floor is a tower that can be used as a place to see the sun set.

The first and second floors are used as hangouts. The two floors are decorated with ancient items, such as sewing machines, typewriters, factory machines, original agate, and others. The custom table is a combination of wood and iron.



According to Ershad all these items were accidentally obtained while traveling outside the city. “My sense of ancient colonial relics immediately appeared and this is in accordance with my coffee shop concept”, said the bespectacled man when met Soloevent on Tuesday (07/08/2018).

Ershad Hanafi was an architect – a coffee lover and a collector of old things – who loved the tower or castle. Hence, the coffee shop is called “Minaret” which in English means tower. Coffee Minarets opened 6 months ago.



This cafe mainstay menu is three variants of coffee puree: filter, espresso, and Turkish. Coffee is served with three techniques, which are squeezed, filtered and brewed. Visitors are given the freedom to want to enjoy coffee with what techniques.

For those who don’t like coffee, Minarets also provide tea and hot chocolate. For food, Minarets have fried rice, fried noodles, fried cassava, fried tofu, and fried potatoes. The menus are processed using fresh natural ingredients. The price of food and drinks ranges from IDR 20,000 to IDR 50,000.

Minarets Classic Coffee is located in Mranggen, Polokarto, Sukoharjo Regency, about 30 minutes from the center of Solo. Because of its unique place, this cafe is often used as a photography event venue. Minarets are also often used as a community gathering place.