Mandirian Solo: Time for Happy Hour

1062 – This afternoon, Bank Mandiri KCP Solo Slamet Riyadi was different. The parking lot transformed into a place for Mandirians (Mandiri Bank employees) of Solo.

The atmosphere was relaxing and warm. Wearing a dress code and sunglasses, Mandirian enjoys physical comfort. They also took pictures to share on social media.

It is more live with performances and games. For the games, Mandirians divided into five groups. Team 1 featured Sriwedari, Purwotomo, Slamet Riyadi, Pasar Klewer, Urip Sumoharjo, Pasar Legi, SSR1 Cluster, and SSR2 Cluster. Team 2 featured Klaten, Delanggu, Kartasura, Boyolali, Adi Sucipto, and Klaten Cluster. Team 3 featured Palur, Sragen, Karanganyar, Nusukan, Gemolong, UNS, and Palur Cluster.

Team 4 personnel are Wonogiri, Solo Baru Raya, Veterans, Singosaren, and Solo Baru Cluster. Team 5 are the Tower Team, except Sriwedari.

Each team performs their skills in dance or comedy-drama. The judge gave scores. For the best of 3 will get prizes.

This Solo Secret Garden also attended by Regional CEO Region VII Central Java 2 Bank Mandiri Maswar Purnama and Vice President of Bank Mandiri Solo Ony Suryono Widodo.

In his remarks, Maswar said that this event was a form of friendship between Bank Mandiri units Solo. It aims to synergies and makes solid.

Marwan advised that this program could hold in a small scope. “Make a small group, do something like watching a movie together, or karaoke to establish intimacy with allies,” he said on Wednesday (07/08/2019).

At the end of the event, the best performances were announced. Team four took the first place, the Menara Team won the second place, and Team 1 won the third place.

There were also Best Selebgram and Best Supporter competitions. Diah Mantayuni from Sragen received Best Selebgram, while the Best Supporter awarded to the Menara team.