Find out R.A. Kartini Letter in Ajavi

1113 – Ayom Java Village (Ajavi) is a new lodging with the Java concept in ​​Solo. Here, you will find Pendhapa Sasangka. Well, every three months, the Pendapa often perform art shows from local artists.

Gamelan Bercerita is the closest performance. It holds by international Pesinden (Javanese singer), Nur Handayani. The event will take over on Saturday (07/20/2019).

During a training session at Pendhapa Ayom Java Village, Nur Handayani explained that she will present two works. First one is Gamelan Bercerita. It was from R.A. Kartini letter about Gamelan dan Gending Ginonjing. Collaborative work with Balinese gamelan, Roses, will be the second work.

“On July, 20, my team and I will perform it,” she said on Thursday (07/19/19). Since May 2019, Gamelan Bercerita already prepared.

Marketing Communication Specialist Ayom Java Village Mahrita Dwi Ariyanti explained that Ajavi wanted to embrace artists and art communities to lit up Pendhapa Sasangka, as well as to preserve culture. Ajavi opens for art activists, especially karawitan, to practice in pendapa for free.

“We deal with art activists from the Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta to revive Pendhapa. Then, they created Ripto Karyo for Sunday program. This program gives a solution for artists who are looking for a place to practice but intercept by costs,” Riri added.

Regarding it, Nur Handayani hopes that her colleagues can explore their work consistently. “Ajavi provides gamelan instruments for artists to explore their works,” added Nur.