Romantic, Ari Irham and Yoriko Angeline in After Met You

1697 – Get ready for #HariBaperNational with the After Met You, tomorrow, on 10th of December. This movie tells about the romance between Ari and Ara starring Ari Irham and Yoriko Angeline.

For Ari, it is his first movie as the main character. He realized even he has same name for this movie and real, it just different with his daily life. Ari in this movie is an extrovert but for real he is really shy.




In this movie, Ari Irham and Yoriko Angeline will be starring as couple. Not only as an artist, Yoriko Angeline also sings for the movie’ soundtrack.

The players were all out for carrying their roles. If you want to watch, just never stay away from tissue. Who knows, you will cry a lot. The movie was directed by Patrick Effendy, it tells about the obstacle that face by the teenage lovers who fallen in love each other.

After Met You is an adaptation of the same novel written by Dwitasari. This movie was produced by Raffi Ahmad. If you are curious, you can watch this movie in theaters starting on January 10, 2019.

Ari Irham and Yoriko Angeline come to Solo, they hold a meet and greet on Thursday (01/10/2018).