Home art and culture SIPA 2018 Pre-event: 5 Groups Will Performs

SIPA 2018 Pre-event: 5 Groups Will Performs


Soloevent.id – Early September 2018, Solo International Performing Arts (SIPA) will be held again. Various artists from within and outside the country will appear on the SIPA 2018 stage.

Well, to welcome the grand event, the committee held a 2018 SIPA pre-event at the Atrium Solo Grand Mall, Saturday (08/11/2018). This pre-event carries the theme “SIPA’s Spirit in the Beauty of Dance and Clothing”. The spirit of the theme is manifested in various forms of dance performances and fashion shows.

In the first pre-event there were 5 groups from Solo who performed, namely Citra Jebres Dance Studio, Kids Model Community Solo, Mangkunegaran Art Academy, Polah Crew, and Semarak Candra Kirana.



Citra Jebres Dance Studio (Surakarta) displays Luyung Dance. The Luyung dance is a new creation dance that comes from the word “luyung” which is an acronym of the words “lurik” and “payung” (umbrella). The two objects are worn by dancers as property.

Then, Kids Model Community Solo from Sanggar AW Surakarta featuring children’s fashion shows. The Mangkunegaran Academy of Art in Surakarta displays the dance “Tirta Wening” which describes various springs on this earth as a source of life for living things.

Another performer, Polah Crew, presents modern dance performances that are given ethnic and traditional nuances. While the Semarak Candra Kirana Studio displays Retno Prawiro Dance. This dance depicts a female soldier who is practicing if Kanuragan uses sword property. The spirit of defending the country is expressed in agile, skillful and assertive movements.

Solo International Performing Arts will be held September 6-8 2018 at Vastenburg Fortress. Because celebrating the special edition, SIPA 2018 will also hold a music concert on September 5 at the Sebelas Maret University in Surakarta.

In collaboration with the Music Community of FISIP, this event will bring Danilla Riyadi as a guest star.