Get the delicious Satay, Get the Gadget Discount at Hartono Mall Solo Baru

882 – In this New Year, Hartono Mall Solo Baru hold two big events, there are Festival Sate #2 and Pameran Komputer & Smartphone.

If you like satay, just come to VIP Hartono Mall Solo Baru on 11-14 January 2019. Here, you can taste all of the archipelago satay. Such as sate kere, sate padang, sate ponorogo, sate ayam, sate kambing, sate sapi, sate menthok, sate jamur, and soon.


“For Festival Sate there will be 20 tenants. In February, we will hold meat festival too.” said Public Relations Hartono Mall Solo Baru, Elfizia Carina, on Friday (11/1/2018).

There is a special satay from Kebumen, it is use chicken meat as usual but the sauce has different ingredients. It made from tempeh. For 10 skewers it is only IDR 35K and for 20 skewers it is IDR 65K.

In Festival Sate #2 there will be entertained by modern dance, talk show, music, Indonesia Guitarist Community, fashion show, and other.


In the same times, Hartono Mall Solo Baru also held Pameran Komputer & Smartphone in Atrium mall. Do you want to buy a new laptop? You can come here. There will be much product offered, laptop, printer, smartphone, and accessories.

There will be more discounts. One of them is Bonafide Gadget Store. They offered cashback up to 1 million for buying smartphone brand Vivo, Oppo, Nokia, Honor, Samsung, Asus, Advan, Xiaomi. If you already had transaction you will be get prize headset bluetooth, tongsis, speaker buetooth mug, and 2 HP after in a drawing.

This exhibition at Hartono Mall Solo can be your reference if you want to gadget. After buy a gadget, you can stop by at Festival Sate #2 for culinary.