Home art and culture Hadrah for Indonesia

Hadrah for Indonesia


Soloevent.id – Festival Hadrah 2019 holds greatly. In islamic nuance to commemorate Isra’ Mi’raj Nabi Muhammad SAW. “This year Festival Hadrah took ‘Cinta Sholawat Cinta Indonesia’ as theme. It will portray Solo as Kota Sholawat. Besides that, it will maintain the tradition and unity in Solo,” said the vise Mayor of Solo Achmad Purnomo when take up the parade, at Plaza Sriwedari on Saturday (20/4/2019).

Kirab Hadrah is one of Festival Hadrah 2019 event. It will start from Plaza Sriwedari and finish at Solo City Hall. Along the road the participant are humming the Sholawat.

There are 100 Hadrah Group for Festival Hadrah 2019. There are from Great Solo.

Hadrah Putro Kalimosodo from Kauman Village is one of them. The captain of Putro Kalimosodo, Muhammad Yasin, said that every year his group always joins this event. “We already prepared in 1 month. We are so proud to join, it also to commemorate Isra’ Mi’raj,” he said.

There are also hadrah Bintang Songo from Jebres Village, hadrah Albiidh from Pucangsawit Village, hadrah Arloji from Kerten Village, hadrah Sangkrah Village, and soon.

This time, Kirab Hadrah will be paraded use modified car not walking around like last year. Every group are custom their car with NKRI (Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia) accessories.

Festival Hadrah 2019 is also held Great Tabligh with Emha Ainun Najib a.k.a Cak Nun with gamelan Kiai Kanjeng. El One Nasyid will also entertain the participant with their songs.

Besides, Festival Hadrah 2019 also holds Aerobic and Halal Food Bazaar In the city hall, on Sunday (21/4/2019). In the same day, there will be Islamic competition. This festival will be closed by Nawa Kartika Indonesia.