A Car for Loyal Customers of Hartono Mall


Soloevent.id – Hartono Mall Solo Baru held a prize draw for Luxury Card member card holders. In its fourth year, Hartono Mall gave a Suzuki Ignis car to the lucky members.

The draw conducted at the mall atrium on Friday (07/27/2018) was done digitally. And finally, Suzuki Ignis’s car was obtained by a member named Stephanie. Even though she did not come to the location, Stephanie was still declared valid as the winner. The prize was handed over to the representative of the winner by the General Manager of Hartono Mall Solo Baru, Agus Tony Wibowo.

“This is our thanks to Hartono Mall’s loyal customers,” Tony said when giving a speech.


This draw is only for Luxury Card owners who have spent more than IDR 500. 000 in Hartono Mall Solo Baru. Members who make transactions with this nominal, are entitled to get one lucky draw point.

This night’s Luxury Card draw was accompanied by a new grand opening tenant at Hartono Mall Solo Baru, Beauty Lux, a facial care clinic.

In closing, this event invited the female singer from Yogyakarta, Nufi Wardhana. Appearing in all-white costumes, Nufi accompanied by a keyboardist, sang cover songs, such as “Kau Cantik Hari Ini”, “Untuk Perempuan yang Sedang dalam Pelukan”, “Lagi Syantik”, “Benci untuk Mencinta”, and others. To her fans, Nufi delivered a message to always be herself.