Home art and culture Trie Utami Becomes Guest Star of Solo Batik Carnival 2018

Trie Utami Becomes Guest Star of Solo Batik Carnival 2018


Soloevent.id – If last year Solo Batik Carnival (SBC) invited artist Peni Candra Rini as a guest star, on this eleventh edition it was Trie Utami’s turn to enliven it. The 50-year-old singer will appear at the opening of the 2018 SBC Grand Carnival on Saturday (07/14/2018) afternoon, at Sriwedari Stadium.

Chairman of the Solo Batik Carnival Foundation, Lia Imelda, explained, Trie Utami will bring songs that have a love theme for the country. “We invited Trie Utami because she was very suitable to sing it,” she explained to the media crew at Solo City Hall on Wednesday (07/10/2018).

Reportedly, there are three songs that Trie Utami will sing, namely “Tanah Airku”, “Zamrud Khatulistiwa”, and “Sekitar Kita”. The last title is called popularized by Krakatau. Trie Utami is the band’s vocalist.


Nationalism-themed songs were chosen because they are in line with the Solo Batik Carnival 2018 theme, namely “Ika Paramartha”, which describes diversity in Indonesia. This theme is a SBC response to the recent friction in society.

Art Director of Solo Batik Carnival 2018, Ragowo Ade Kurniawan, added, when performing on stage, the singer who is often called Iie will be accompanied by representatives of the 2018 SBC participants from eight definitions.

Not only being a guest star, the former jury of the singing contest that was closely related to the term “pitch control” was also appointed as Duta Solo Batik Carnival 2018.

If you want to watch the Trie Utami action and 150 SBC 2018 participants at the opening of the Grand Carnival, tickets are sold for IDR 50,000 (tribune), IDR 100,000 (VIP B and photographer), and IDR 150 thousand (VIP A).