The snippet of Grebeg Sudiro 2018 Cultural Carnival

1298 – Grebeg Sudiro Cultural Carnival is an annual event held by Sudiroprajan Village to enliven the Chinese New Year. This event also became a marker of diversity in Solo.


This eleventh edition was held on Sunday (02/11/2018). About 67 participants consisting of Solo tourism conscious groups, art groups, Pasar Gede traders, and others attended the event.


As before, Grebeg Sudiro 2018 Cultural Carnival shows the potential of Sudiroprajan and urban villages in Solo; as well as Sudiroprajan culinary specialties, such as bakpao, compya, and of course basket cakes. The typical Chinese New Year snacks are always the icon of the Grebeg Sudiro Cultural Carnival.


Kue keranjang is shaped like Jondang, a landmark of Solo. This year the one appointed was Loji Gandrung (official residence of the Mayor of Solo) and Monument ’45 Banjarsari.


The following are excerpts of the Grebeg Sudiro 2018 Cultural Carnival.