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Manual Brew, feel the humanity of coffee


Soloevent.id – This day, coffee shop is so popular. They also served coffee with manual brew process.

Maybe that’s weird word for you who are not coffee addict. Don’t worry! Soloevent will tell you about it.

Before we dig in more about manual brew, we should learn more about coffee agitation. Turkish is the first country which introduced coffee agitation. They grind the coffee till smooth and boil it in the small pan called ibrik. This method produces solid black coffee with so much residual pulp.

By traders from Gujarat, India, this boiling technique was brought throughout the world, including Indonesia. However, Indonesians at that time had other techniques for curing coffee. You do this by pouring hot water into a glass of fine coffee. This method is still popular today and is known as brewed coffee.

Time is running. In 1884, espresso machines were found in Italy. The word “espresso” comes from a local language which means it is fast in the process of brewing. With this machine, coffee can be served in less than 1 minute.

Coffee can be consumed in only 2-3 sips because it adjusts to the state of busy urban workers, but still needs caffeine intake between breaks.

However, people are again bored with the monotony of coffee machines, until the idea of ​​re-using their hands to produce coffee and replacing automatic water pumps comes up.

Germany, in 1908, bored with drinking coffee that was stolen, a German female inventor named Melitta Bentz created the first coffee pour-over device. Made of copper and using notebook paper as its filter, this tool continues to evolve and inspire the emergence of other coffee makers.

Consistent human gestures actually present a “humane” feeling that is not obtained from the machine. The term manual brew also appears to distinguish steeping machines with steeping human hands.

At the same time, the espresso machine has developed quite rapidly. But because the price is expensive and the operation method is more complicated, the espresso machine is more widely used in large coffee shops. Electric coffee maker is popular in offices, hotels and restaurants to support the fast rhythm of life. And many manual brewers are present in homes and coffee shops for a more personal touch.