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Beneficial Extreme Culinary, Dare to Try?


Soloevent.id – There is a Sate #2 Festival at Hartono Mall Solo Baru. Started from 11-14 January 2019, you can taste various types of satay, for example satay kere, satay ponorogo, sate padang, sate taichan, and many more.

Besides “fine” satay, at the event there is also extreme satay. One of them is cobra satay. The satay is efficacious to cure asthma, smooth the skin, increase the body’s metabolism, to increase vitality.

The seller of cobra satay, Danang, said the snakes were taken from the wild. “We ordered the wild snake collectors. This is not bred because the benefits will be different,”Danang explained to Soloevent on Friday (1/11/2019).

It has general cooking process like meat. However, to make cobra meat more tough and the fishy odor gone, it is poured with pineapple juice.

Some parts of cobra can be used as medicine. For example bile is being oil and the liver as capsules and potions. It is safe for consumption with a certain amount.


Danang also provides bulus satay. Danang said, people of Solo are not familiar with it. Usually people outside from the city order cobra satay for medicine.

One portion of cobra satay is sold for IDR 35 thousand, bulus satay IDR 40 thousand, cobra oil IDR 15 thousand per bottle, bulus oil IDR 25 thousand per bottle oil, cobra capsule IDR 100,000 / bottle, cobra herb IDR 100 thousand per package.

Another unusual culinary that you can find at Sate Festival #2 is horse satay. It can relieve aches, treat gout and diabetes, stabilize cholesterol levels, treat itching, increase vitality, and overcome epilepsy.

Only IDR 35 thousand per serving, you can taste horse satay. The horse satay seller, Siti, explained that the horse meat was taken from Yogyakarta. “We only cook it into a number of dishes such as fried rice, satay, tengkleng and tonseng,” she said.

There are many extreme menus sold at Sate Festival #2, such as porcupine satay and bulus satay. Hhhmmm, dare to try?