Home art and culture “The Spirit of Indonesia” Becomes the Theme of Putra Putri Solo 2019

“The Spirit of Indonesia” Becomes the Theme of Putra Putri Solo 2019


Soloevent.id – The series of Putra Putri Solo Grand Final (PPS) 2018 is over, Saturday (04/08/2018). At the end of the inauguration of Fathullah Abdul Aziz and Dinda Nur Safira as First Place, the Solo City Government immediately announced the theme of PPS 2019.

“The Spirit of Indonesia” was chosen as the theme for next year’s event. Mayor of Solo, F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo, said that the selection of the theme was based because Solo was not only “The Spirit of Java”, but had become part of Indonesia. “Solo is a big city and has become increasingly known globally. Hopefully this can increase tourism in the city of Solo in the future, “he added.

This year, the Election of Putra Putri Solo took the theme “Benang Merah Nusantara” which was the embodiment of the Nusantara fashion from Sabang to Merauke. It means that Indonesia consists of various ethnicities and cultures. “The theme of Benang Merah Nusantara is mean that the unity of Indonesia will long last and hopefully PPS next year is even more special,” Rudy explained.

At the end of the event, led by the Mayor, all finalists and 2018 Putra Putri Solo winners raised the trophy while shouting Solo The Spirit of Indonesia with enthusiasm.

Putra Putri Solo is the venue for the Solo City tourism ambassador. This event is the annual agenda of the Solo City Government. Later, the winner of Putra Putri Solo will be in charge of promoting Solo tourism and attending social and ceremonial activities.