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The Red Lunar Year In Solo Square


Soloevent.id – Starting from 23-28 January 2020, Solo Square will have “Imlek Celebration 2571” to celebrate the Lunar Year.

The first day, KB/TK Petra Pelangi Bangsa perform music, dance, and fashion show also fashion show from Limited Agency. On 24 January, KB/TK Warga will show the modern dance and followed by the Imlek Music Perform of Rhtym Star Music School. The Cooking Class Bakpao Character creation from the Langsung Enak community will be on 25 January.

A special attraction is the barongsai that will be performed on 26 January, the day after Imlek. Tripusaka will take it.

Staff Marketing Solo Square, Adrian, says that the Barongsai will perform the day after Imlek to considerate the Imlek itself, gathers the family. “So, we postpone the attraction for it,” he said on Monday (13/1/2020).

Also, this mall is already adorned with the red lanterns in its atrium. The main character, Mouse, is placed in the lobby. FYI, this year is the year of the metal rat.

Also, win one motorbike from the Preferred Customer Card (PCC) 23 January at the atrium.