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Record Store Day Solo, the Old One Will Never Die


Soloevent.id – To appreciate and live the music, Lokananta as a legend of a recording studio in Indonesia rollout event that can gather the conventional listener on Saturday (28/4/2019). Actually, the reason for this event is some conventional music shop couldn’t be operated again, in this modern era.

Record Store Day Solo followed by 23 stands from Solo, Yogyakarta, and Semarang. Cassette or CD is sold between IDR 20.000 – IDR 100.000. This event will be held annually on 13 April.

This event will also enliven by indie band from other cities, such as Lampung.

Booth officer Record Store Day Solo Anggit Wicaksono said that this will focus on Music UMKM. “Through this event, we hope that music can be more known by the community,” he said to Soloevent.

Record Store Day Solo is a window to millennial, music lovers, and Solo citizen to more understanding Lokananta as the heritage of music.

Anggit added that Lokananta is under of PNRI (Percetakan Negara Republik Indonesia). Lokananta also collaborates with Record Store Day as coordinator.

Anggit said that Lokananta’ event always crowds. Some days, Slank, was having recorded for their 23rd album at Lokananta. Anggit said Slank chose Lokananta because it has history and the goods have quality.