Home art and culture Surakarta in Kethoprak

Surakarta in Kethoprak


Soloevent.id – Surakarta Kethoprak Festival came again this year with the theme Surakarta Ndudhah. It held at the Theater Besar of the Indonesian Art Institute (ISI) Surakarta, on Saturday-Sunday (6-7/7/2019). The Surakarta 2019 Kethoprak Festival involved five sub-districts in Solo, follows Jebres, Serengan, Laweyan, Pasar Kliwon, and Banjarsari.

The participants brought stories related to the history of Solo. There are five plays in two nights, including “Geger Pecinan” by Jebres District. It told about Chinese society in the colonial era. VOC pressure the Chinese people made them fight. The drama directed by Sarmadi and Joko Susilo.

Then, “Bedhah Kartasura (1680-1703)”. This story has a connection with Geger Pecinan. King of Kartasura, Adipati Anom allied to the VOC government which impact on the civil war to snatch the throne.

The next story is “Boyong Kedhaton” played by the Serengan District. The second night staged “Giyanti Agreement” by Pasar Kliwon District, while Banjarsari District raised the story “Raden Mas Said”.

As education form, Kethoprak Festival is also to develop the arts and culture of Solo as a cultural city. This show is judged by competent judges in the Ketoprak field.

The Kethoprak Festival opened by Surakarta Mayor F.X. Hadi Rudiyatmo. In his remarks, Rudy said that ketoprak is not just entertainment, but also an educational tool because the stories taken contain historical elements. “Kethoprak is not a myth but contains elements of history and performances. This is very useful, especially for the younger generation,” he said.

The Kethoprak Surakarta Festival is a routine event held by the Surakarta City Government. This year is the ninth edition of the organization.