concordant and discordant coastlines bbc bitesize


As Thor says, not bad at all. Soft engineering: Beach nourishment is a type of soft approach. A coastline is an area where land meets the water. Key Question: What are the different landforms of the Jurassic Coast? If the coastline is discordant then the rock type will change as we go up the coastline, An example of a discordant coastline is swanage True or False: Concordant coastlines form coves. Have you ever gone for a stroll on a beach? A concordant coastline has the same type of rock. Sea turtles return to coasts to lay their eggs, and birds like gulls and pelicans do much of their hunting near the shore. concordant coastlines. ALEVEL GEOGRAPHY - COASTAL LANDSCAPES | EQ1 : the littoral zone ; offshore, nearshore and backshore. Case studies Dorset Jurassic coast and Holderness. Correct! This area of the Jurassic coastline provides a habitat for a diverse range of natural life, particularly butterflies. What is the impact of humans on the desert? Correct! It has a discordant coastline along the east and concordant coastline along the south. (8) Coasts - Grade Booster Geog' Clips Corrosion is also known as solution. What are the three processes that shape the coastline? Discordant coastlines have bands of different rock types running perpendicular to the coast; concordant coastlines have bands of similar rock types running parallel to the coast. It is used in geography and meteorology and is usually associated with coastal erosion.It plays a large part in longshore drift as well. The shape of the coastline (which is dependent on its geology) - on concordant coastlines, rocks are parallel to the wave front and therefore rates of erosion are similar along the coastline. An explanation of the formation of the cove can be found on the right. Transportation is the movement of material from a coastline--such as sand and gravel--while deposition is the addition of material to a coastline. Where are the areas of water deficit and surplus in the UK? Coastlines will expand as climate change continues. The angle these bands make with the coastline makes it either a concordant or discordant coastline. Excluding the shoreline of Poole Harbour, the Dorset coastline is 142 kilometres (88 mi) long. During the Devensian Glacial eustatic changes lowered sea levels by 120 m. At the start of the Holocene Interglacial (10,000 years BP) led to a rapid 100 m eustatic rise in global sea levels, as 3,000 years of ice sheets and glaciers shrank. material at the coast and in a river. As erosion processes take place, the clay erodes away quicker than the. The sea attacks a weakness in the base of the cliff. These will be exam question style ranging from 4, 6 and 9 mark questions. Teacher. Consequently headlands . Waves drag in the shallow water approaching a headland so the wave becomes high, steep and short. how to change text duration on reels. In the Holocene Interglacial constructive waves pushed the ride of sands and gravel landwards as sea levels rose. That is, if both the row and column index move in the same direction - both increase or both decrease, then the pair is concordant. Whenever you search in PBworks, Dokkio Sidebar (from the makers of PBworks) will run the same search in your Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, Gmail, and Slack. What are the different types of weathering? Swanage is located in South England and features both a discordant and concordant coastline (see diagram below) Due to this contrasting geology a number of differences can be outlined. Case studies Dorset Jurassic coast and Holderness Extended writing tasks 2 a half term. While not every UN member has ratified UNCLAS, most nations abide by it anyway. Long spits of sands run parallel to the low coast, enclosing the coast. The sea has broken through this barrier and easily eroded the clays behind it. Discordant and concordant coasts in Dorset. How has the growth of Lagos caused inequality? Lulworth Cove is a classic example of a 'concordant coast' - i.e. Excluding the shoreline of Poole Harbour, the Dorset coastline is 142 kilometres (88 mi) long. As these systems develop at sea, communities along coastlines are the most vulnerable to any potential destruction. The differing resistance to erosion leads to the formation of headlands and bays. Reasons for Protecting Dawlish Warren: 1. The difference in rock types between discordant and concordant coastlines means that there are differences in erosion. Concordant coasts are also known as dalmatian coasts, after the Dalmatian region of Croatia, or Pacific coasts, after the coastline of Chile in South America. a ks3 unit work consisting of 7 complete lessons covering coasts: lesson 1 - introduction to uk physical landscapes lesson 2 - characteristics of ocean waves lesson 3 - erosion and geology lesson 4 - erosional landforms lesson 5 - transport and deposition lesson 6 - weathering and mass movement lesson 7 - coastal management decision making task Small particles are carried along by the water. What are the physical characteristics of cold environments? What is the highest point of a wave called? Set individual study goals and earn points reaching them. Discordant coastline - Source As soft rock, such as glacial till, is more susceptible to erosion it erodes more rapidly than more resistant rock such as chalk. Concordant coastlines form coves, which are round areas of water that have narrow entries from the sea. Create beautiful notes faster than ever before. Beara Peninsula to the north formed from more resistant Devonian Old Red Sandstone and projects 35 km into the Atlantic Ocean. Did you know? Soft engineering: Beach nourishment is a type of soft approach. Waves are the main reason for coastal change. Select all that apply. May 30, 2019 - Learn and revise about waves and the coastal zone with BBC Bitesize KS3 Geography. Explore. As mentioned earlier, discordant coastlines form headlands and bays; on the other hand, concordant coastlines form coves. It's a way of having all my information in one place. The Dorset Coast contains a range of landforms including Durdle Door, Lulworth Cove . This results in the formation of headlands and bays. Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above. BBC Bitesize. This is called a discordant coastline. Learn about and revise coastal landforms, whether caused by erosion or deposition, with GCSE Bitesize Geography (AQA). Aqa. Bays and headlands are common features along discordant coastlines. Tectonic forces produced by the collision of African and Eurasian plates compressed Carboniferous Limestone during the Alpine Orogeny 50 million years ago. This produces lines of narrow islands parallel to the coast formed by projecting sections of anticlines. Jamaica Case Study, How can the growth of tourism reduce the development gap? discordant coastlines. Gcse Geography Revision Aqa Coastal Landscapes Teacher Image Paisajes For example, this could be a joint in chalk. Concordant and discordant coastlines. Coastlines of Emergence. The significance of food, water and energy, An overview of global inequalities in the supply and consumption of resources, Carbon footprints, food miles and moves towards local sourcing of food. What is a concordant coastline? The hard rock acts as a protective barrier to the softer rock behind it preventing erosion. How does flooding affect humans and the environment? Coastlines where the geology alternates between bands of hard and soft rock which are perpendicular to the shore are called discordant coastlines. On discordant coastlines, differential erosion may occur, where bands of hard and soft rock outcrop at right angles to the sea. Ripples are created; these ripples will become waves if the wind is sustained. Protection of cold environments as wilderness areas. . Coastlines are very important to people because they have many uses, but mankind is also placing coastlines under severe threat. Use the resources provided to write notes that The longer the fetch length and the faster the wind speed, the . Share 5.1K views 2 years ago This video explains the difference between a concordant and discordant coastline, including the coastal landforms that occur along each and the geological. Economic activities in glaciated upland areas, Glaciation Photo gallery Goat Fell, Isle of Arran. The cove is located in a South West England County known as Dorset that is found along the English Channel. Consequently, the water from the sea sweeps away the soft rocks leaving behind a circular land formation known as a cove. Coastlines of Submergence: i. Ria Coast: During the Ice Age a great deal of water was locked up in ice. Coasts can be classified in a variety of . Deformation is the degree of tilting of folding ofrock. formed by the erosion of less resistant Wealden Clays. Each process can produce several coastal features; however, they often work together to sculpt the coastlines. Erosion. A concordant coastline with resistant Portland Limestone forming a protective stratum parallel to the sea. Find this Pin and more on KS4 Changing Landscapes of the UK by Mr Haden. The three major coastal processes include erosion, transportation and deposition. Emergent Coastlines. Rocks outcrop at right angles to the sea, forming headlands and bays. Soluble materials dissolve in water and are carried along. Stop procrastinating with our study reminders. It is also known as Pacific type coastline, longitudinal coastline, or Dalmatian coastline. The first difference between concordant and discordant coastlines is that the concordant coastlines are composed of similar rock types whereas, in the case of discordant coastlines, the rocks are of different kinds. Concordant coastline 2. Coasts are shaped by the processes of erosion, transportation and deposition. Erosional landforms - Coastal landforms - AQA - GCSE Geography Revision - AQA - BBC Bitesize. Named after the Dalmatia region on the Adriatic Sea. Straight coastline now formed by a concordant band of constant chalk. The arch has formed on a concordant coastline where bands of rock run parallel to the shoreline. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. While discordant coastlines have bands of different rock types running perpendicular to the coast, concordant coastlines have bands of similar rock types running parallel (alongside) to the coast. concordant coastlines. Coastlines are constantly changing, with sea levels rising or falling, and it is no different with submergent coastlines. Discordant coasts forms where geological structure is such that different rock strata of folds are aligned at an angle to the coastline. A combination of geological structure and sea level riseproduces the morphology of landforms aligned parallel to the coastline. Lulworth Cove has occurred on a concordant coastline. Coastlines are very important to people because they have many uses, but mankind is also placing coastlines under severe threat. Headlands and bays can form on concordant coastlines too, as has happened . If you've been to the beach, you've been to a coastline! Then when the wave retreats, the compressed air expands again. Large particles like boulders are pushed along the bottom of the river bed/sea by the force of the water. Lines of islands separated by narrow sea channels parallel to the coast (sounds). Pebble sized particles are bounced along the river bed/sea by the force of the water. This creates a cove which is a circular area of water with a relatively narrow entrance way from the sea. There are rias throughout the world, including Poole Harbour in Dorset. Taking the low-water line along the coast (or, the baseline), UNCLAS put forth the following: Special exceptions apply to areas like straits, where ships can't help but pass through territorial waters. False! What are the causes of deforestation in the Amazon? Stop procrastinating with our smart planner features. Erosion Sea forces change coastal landscapes with the wind being the major source of waves. How have animals adapted to the rainforest environment? Coastal Erosion. e.g. The outer hard rock is Portland limestone. The updated BBC Bitesize website has a great video on . Explain the process of longshore drift (3) Coasts - Grade Booster. Waves are produced by friction between the wind and water, resulting in an energy transfer from the wind to the sea. Quick revise. StudySmarter is commited to creating, free, high quality explainations, opening education to all. What is chemical and mechanical weathering? Little Hilbre Island (Cheshire) by Google Earth / ESRI, Imagery 2016 Getmapping plc, Map data 2016 Google. The coast is the border between the land and the sea. Under 5's Football Coaching Drills, In some cases it is estimated that there was a rise . Case studies Dorset Jurassic coast and Holderness. During the Devensian Glacial eustatic changes lowered sea levels by 120 m. At the start of the Holocene Interglacial (10,000 years BP) led to a rapid 100 m eustatic rise in global sea levels, as 3,000 years of ice sheets and glaciers shrank. Concordant coastlines form coves, which are round areas of water that have narrow entries from the sea. Sign up to highlight and take notes. Headlands and bays Cliffs along the coastline do not erode at the same pace. Students will learn about the different types of erosion at the coast and will be able to explain how they create coastal landforms. 4: Formation of Lulworth Cove ( by Red ( licensed by CC BY-SA 3.0 ( Sea level rise at the end of the Devensian Glacial overtopped the low points of the anticlines and the sea flooded synclines. What are the air masses that affect the UK? Ria coastlines are a type of submergent coastline, but Dalmation landforms are associated with concordant coastlines. the same rock types are parallel to the coastline, with alternating bands of different rock types running parallel to the coastline behind it (as opposed to a 'discordant coastline' where the rock types are perpendicular to the coastline, presenting differing rock types to the sea along the coastline). . They form as a ledge of bedrock left behind as the dliff retreats. starter: Students examine the picture and discuss what is happening to the houses and why. It remains England's only natural World Heritage Site. The relatively gentle profile of the beach with a steep ridge at the top of the beach means that the backwash soaks into the sand or slowly drains away. Why are deserts located along the tropics? Can the risks of volcanic eruptions be reduced? They are most common where fetchis short. Specification and other support materials for teachers, including delivery guides Explore. This is important in delineating who has legal, economic, and military jurisdiction in areas along the coast. Click To Play 1. This means that these waves transport beach material back into the sea, lowering the height of a beach. Along the coastline of Dorset, there are concordant and discordant coastlines. Their wavelength is long and a low frequency (8-10 waves per minute). Published by at February 16, 2022. Where once there was a simple river with well-defined banks, now there is a sprawling river that has submerged most of the terrain around it. Sometimes the outer hard rock is punctured allowing the sea to erode the softer rocks behind. A concordant coastline diminated by limestone in the map has the same type of rock along its length. The four major types of coastlines are emergent coastlines; submergent coastlines; concordant coastlines; and discordant coastlines. The discordant coastline runs from Studland Bay to Durlston Head as the geology changes from clay and sands, to chalk, to clay and . Introduction to the location of the Delta. They have a mainly circular orbit, a steep gradient. A wave-cut platform is a wide, gently sloping surface found at the cliff's base and extends into the sea. Touch device users . Today. What are shanty town improvement schemes? B Gradually the . . Where are polar and tundra environments located? A discordant coastline occurs where bands of different rock type run perpendicular to the coast. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Paw Patrol Does Ryder Have A Crush On Katie, rhodes funeral home karnes city, texas obituaries, luxury homes for sale in oakville ontario. The rise in sea level can be the result of an increase in water volume or the sinking of the land's surface. Add in the missing words. The soft rock is made of clay and sands, and the hard rock is chalk and limestone. A case study of the coastal recession at the Nile Delta for Edexcel A Level Geography. Concordant or conformable, when referring to plutonic bodies, indicates that the intruding magma of sills and laccoliths lies parallel to rather than cutting across country strata, as do discordant structures such as veins, dikes, bysmoliths, and batholiths. Coastlines where the geology alternates between strata (or bands) of hard rock and soft rock are called discordant. The meanings of the terms lithology, concordant and discordant coastlines are apparent throughout the lesson. The discordant coastline runs from Studland Bay to Durlston Head as the geology changes from clay and sands, to chalk, to clay and . Discordant coasts have a crenellated pattern of projecting headlands and indented bays. GCSE and A Level Geography Revision. concordant and discordant coastlines bbc bitesize - hillsboro, ohio newspaper classifieds - hillsboro, ohio newspaper classifieds - A concordant coastline produced by the geological structure of folds parallel to the coast. Irrespective of whether the coastline is concordant or discordant, as wave refraction takes place around the headlands and erosion of the bay is reduced, sub-aerial weathering such as corrosion and corrasion begins to . Beach material is deposited as a bridge of sediment (berm) at the top of the beach. geography revision coastal landforms 264.4K views Discover short videos related to geography revision coastal landforms on TikTok. Fetch length along with the wind speed (or strength) determines the size of waves produced. It is also known as Pacific type coastline, longitudinal coastline, or Dalmatian coastline. The Isle of Purbeck, in Dorset, is an example of where a concordant and discordant coastline exist very close to one another. Learn about and revise coastal landforms, whether caused by erosion or deposition, with GCSE Bitesize Geography (AQA). There are four major different types of coastlines: Below, we will go into more detail on all of these different types of coastlines. Concordant coastline. Coastlines where different types of rock alternate between hard and soft rock are called discordant coastlines and will have more bays and headlands along its length. You don't have permission to comment on this page. Re-rerouting a two lane road can cost between 150,000 and 250,000 per 100 m. The collapse of the section of coast supporting the South Devon Main Line Railway in February 2014 cost 35 million to repair, and businesses in the South West lost 60 million. Coastlines are very important to people because they have many uses, but mankind is also placing coastlines under severe threat. Less resistant Purbeck limestone and Wealden Clay lie behind the Portland, with resistant chalk further north. UNCLAS implemented a universal system for maritime boundaries based on baselines, which are measured from the low-water line at the coast. The concordant coastline runs from west to east along the south coast. A hard rock type is resistant to erosion and creates a promontory whilst a softer rock type is easily eroded creating a bay. Discordant coastlines occur when bands of different types of rocks run perpendicular (at 90 degrees) to the coast. Many of our major cities have developed along oceanic coasts as well: think of New York City, Tokyo, Istanbul, Dubai, Hong Kong, and Copenhagen, just to name a few! concordant and discordant coastlines bbc bitesize Call us (+254) 722 22 99 44 Email Our Laboratories Nairobi & Mombasa washington sports club glover park Home Services concordant and discordant coastlines bbc bitesize Micro-Biology Services Agri - Services Instrumentation Division Environment Division Petroleum Division Concordant coastlines tend to have fewer bays . How is demand for energy changing in the UK? (For example the east of the Dorset coast) How Geology affects the coast . Safe access points to the shoreline at several points around the edge. It has a variety of other micro-features and a unique geology. Where the land rises to the sea there are several parallel strata of Jurassic rocks, including Portland limestone and the . The extent to which the shape of a beach or coast is created or altered depends mainly on the action of waves upon it. An explanation of the formation of the cove can be found on the right. Sustainable development in the Temperate Deciduous Woodland. GCSE Geography Coastal landscapes in the UK learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers. The Jurassic Coast begins at Orcombe . It's a way of having all my information in one place. A coastline with the same type of rock along its length; fewer bays and headlands. The concordant coastline runs from west to east along the south coast. chalk) May 30, 2019 - Learn and revise about waves and the coastal zone with BBC Bitesize KS3 Geography. When the auto-complete results are available, use the up and down arrows to review and Enter to select. Even London is built along the River Thames, which flows into the North Sea. Definitions. Originally a band of resistant Portland . 3.1B Transport Technology and Globalisation, 3.2 Political and Economic Decision Making, 7C Economic Development and Environmental Impact, 8B Controlling the Spread of Globlisation, 4A.1B Economic Activity and Social Factors, 4A.1A Changing Function and Characteristics, 4A.6 Evaluating the need for Regeneration, 6C Representation and Need for Regeneration, 10A Measuring the Success of Regeneration, 12A Restructuring and Contested Decisions, 7.5 Superpowers and International Decision Making, 7.6 Superpowers and the Physical Environment, 7.6C Middle-Class Consumption on Emerging Powers, 7.8A Emerging Powers and the Developing World, 8.2 Variations in Health and Life Expectancy, 8.3A The relationship between economic and social development, 8.5A Human Rights Vs Economic Development, 8.8 the Positive and Negative of Development, 2B.2C Geological Structure and Cliff Profiles, 2B.3B Rock Strata and Complex Cliff Profiles, 4C Coastal Landscapes Produced by Erosion, 8C Temporal Variations in Coastal Recession, 9A Local Factors that Increase Coastal Flood Risk, A - Economic and Social Losses from Recession, 2B: 12 Integrated Coastal Zone Management, 1B Importance and Size of Stores and Fluxes, 5.4 Deficits within the Hydrological Cycle, 5.8 Consequences and Risks of Water Insecurity, 8A - Causes and Pattern of Physical and Economic Scarcity, 5.9C Integrated Drainage Basin Management, 6.1C - Geological Processes Releasing Carbon, 6.2 Biological Processes Sequestering Carbon, 6.3 Human Activity Altering the Carbon Cycle, 6.6C Radical Technologies to Reduce Carbon Emissions, 6.7 Human Activity Threatening the Carbon and Water Cycles. Which type of underlying geology is most likely to be formed into straight cliffs? Identify the physical process that has shaped the pebble (1) Coasts - Grade Booster. It is also known as Pacific type coastline, longitudinal coastline, or Dalmatian coastline. Historic records indicate that over 250 m of land were lost between 1600 and 1850. Bands of soft rock such as clay and sand are weaker therefore they can be eroded quickly. The warmer climate that followed melted much of the ice. coastlines. Key Question: What are the different landforms of the Jurassic Coast? It is a valuable habitat for birds and plants eg a wide array of wading birds like the avocet. Discordant coastlines are characterised by different bands of rocks running perpendicular to the coast. Highly popular with tourists - 20,00 people on the spit at peak times (the Environment Agency concluded that between 18th August and the 12th December 2004, 487,624 visitors visited Dawlish Warren equating . Hydraulic action, attrition, abrasion, and corrosion. BBC Bitesize. They are gentle, flat waves with a strong swash and a weak backwash; as a result, constructive waves build beaches. Discordant coasts have a crenellated pattern of projecting headlands and indented bays. The processes have been operating over the last 8000 years. The part of the wave in the deeper water moves forward faster causing the wave to bend. There are 3 main groups of coastal features which result from coastal erosion: 1. Type # 1. Discordant These are where rock strata or structures are aligned at an angle to the coastline. The Dorset Coast, located to the south of England on the English Channel, runs from Lymme Regis in the west, past Old Harry Rocks in Purbeck to Highcliffe in the east. The soft rock is made of clay and sands, and the hard rock is chalk and limestone. The relative resistance of rock types influences the degree of indentation of bays. Landscapes. Human and physical factors causing river flooding. coastlines. What feature is left behind as the cliff retreats? Erosion worsens as the waves becomes stronger. Concordant coastline 2. It is only when the water enters shallower areas that the water itself moves forward. How is a cold environment interdependent? Economic opportunities and challenges in Lagos. A coastline with the same type of rock along its length; fewer bays and headlands . At points where the Portland is weaker, erosion hasbroken through and then rapidly eroded out the softer strata laterally, creating a series of coves, e.g. Many emergent coastlines have existed since the glacial phases of the Pleistocene Epoch, which lasted from about 2,580,000 and 11,700 years ago because the sea levels were much lower than they are today. Concordant coastlines tend to have fewer bays . Start studying BBC Geography Bitesize: Coastal Processes. There are four processes involved in the eroding coastlines. The Portland limestone is resistant to erosion; then to the north there is Swanage Bay where the rock type is a softer greensand. Dalmatian coastline Formed by faulting and rising sea levels since the end of the last ice age West Cork, Ireland 1.Discordant Coastline 2.Rias Rock strata meets the coast at 90 degrees in parallel bands Weaker rocks (limestones) have been eroded creating long, thin bays (rias) in-between the mudstones and old . Chesil Beach in Dorset was formed this way. Practice Questions: Slideshow 2773107 by chanel Adapted from BBC. Coastal Environments CPD - Erosional Landforms, Coastal Management and Fieldwork on the Holderness Coast; Coastal Environments CPD - Erosional Erosion, Coastal Management, Deposition and Fieldwork on the Holderness Coast . full verbatim. A coastline is anywhere where the land meets the water. CAVES, ARCHES, STACKS AND STUMPS These are found on headlands where wave refraction means that erosion takes place on both sides of the headland. Geology. The fetch, often called the fetch length, is the length of water over which a given wind has blown. Figure 5: Lulworth Cove in Dorset, UK, map data: 2022 Google. Strata are different layers (or beds) of rock. Dip is the angle of inclination of titled strata. Because of this difference in erosion resistance, discordant coastlines are home to headlands, due to eroding hard rock, and bays, due to eroding soft rock.

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