Hartono Mall Back to School!


Soloevent.id – “Back to School” bringing up by Hartono Mall Solo for July 2019. According to the Marketing Communications Hartono Mall Solo, Efizia Carina, it is still in gateway holiday. So it related to education.

On July 3-4, Hartono Mall will hold a Courses Expo. The event was the socialization of non-formal education by the Education and Culture Office of Sukoharjo Regency.

On July 6-21, Gramedia holds Book Fair. “Usually, in the new semester, the visitor looks for stationery at an affordable price. Gramedia has it,” she explained on Radio Sevent Soloevent on Wednesday (03/07/2019).

The end of the month, Soto Mie Bakso Festival will adorn Hartono Mall Solo. It holds on July 30-August 4. Around 20 tenants will send you to heaven.

It is the second time held by Hartono Mall. Fia said if the people interest remains high, they will hold again next year.

Fia explained that the event was not just a culinary bazaar, but the lion dance, Reog, and other performances will show up. It starts from 12 pm until the mall closes.