Fourtwnty for Ending in 2018

1257 – Year End Party Concert at The Sunan Hotel Solo, on Monday (31/12/2018), is the last concert band Fourtwnty in 2018. 4.20 Society is enjoying that night in 1.5 hours, sing along.

“Realita” and “Aku Bukan Binatang” is opening song for that night. “Methink, this is really amazing thing. Too close.” said Ari Lesmana, the vocalist then sing, “Diam-Diam Kubawa”.

For ending the year, they give a special stuff. “We want to combine song from first and second album. Get ready for romantic moment this night,” said Ari. This folk Band sing medley “Segelas Berdua” with “Puisi Alam”.

When Primanda Ridho (octapad player) takes girl fans to join in stage for “Kusut”, the nuance was more romantic. Fans seems to scream when the vocalist take his eyes to that girl.




In the last minute of 2018, there is only Ari and Nuwi (gitaris) in the stage. They lead 4.20 Society to sing “Menghitung Hari”.

General Manager and staff The Sunan Hotel Solo with Fourtwnty together blow a trumpet when the New Year comes. “Happy New Year, guys. I hope your wish come true,” said Ari.




Even the Year is change, but not about the concert. Fourtwnty sing “Indonesia Pusaka” for opening the 2019. Uncasing our national flag, Fourtwnty wants their fans to respect Indonesian diversity.

Fourtwnty close the concert with singing “Hitam Putih”, “Zona Nyaman”, “Aku Tenang”, dan “Fana Merah Jambu”.