Facts about Yowis Ben 2 the Movie


Soloevent.id – After the first movie was successful in 2018, Yowis Ben’s sequel will air. Starring Bayu Skak, it will be airing in cinemas on March 14.

Well, before you watch it, just read the following facts below,

  1. Thick with local culture

By using the Javanese language on its dialogue, it is already maintaining the cultures. It also invites the Malang artist such as ludruk Cak Kartolo and Cak Sapari.

  1. Many Surprises

Differently, from the first one, it will be more drama, tears, and laugh.

  1. New song

Like the other band, they have songs. In this movie, you will hear some new song from Bayu Skak and friends.

The use of Javanese language made it different. Some of the songs will have movie clips with subtitle, such as Lagu Galau.

  1. The Old and New Cast

Some casts maybe will not play in this movie. It will have a new casts movie are Anggika Bolsterli, Anya Geraldine, and Laura Theux.

Don’t worry, Bayu Skak, Joshua Suherman, Brandon Salim, and Tutus Thomson will accompany you till the end of the movie with their comedy.

  1. Colorful Villages

As the Kera Ngalam, Bayu Eko Moektito or Bayu Skak choose the Jodipan colorful village Malang as the location for shooting.  Bayu wants to raise the local culture inherent in his city.

Those were five facts about the film Yowis Ben 2. If you want to meet face to face with the movie players, stop by The Park Mall on Friday (3/15/2019) at 3:00 p.m.