punisher family death scene daredevil


Castle then left the cafe in order to find and kill the man who was responsible for the deaths of his family. They had been practicing at a warehouse. While Castle remained at the bar, he witnessed Amy Bendix come to the bar and ordering a soft drink from Beth Quinn. Castle was helped up onto his feet and told him that he loved him by Russo, before getting punched in the stomach by him, much to the delight of everyone in attendance as these two brothers in arms had celebrated their success at making it all the way through the brutal gauntlet. When Quinn asked what happened, Castle explained that he had been in the Marine Corps, before Quinn commented on the wedding ring that Castle now wore as a necklace. As one man took cover behind a pillar, the Punisher continued shooting at him, forcing him to stay hidden, before the Punisher then dropped the gun and had plunged his knife into the man's chest. The mission sees Krieg fake his death, while the son of mob boss Howard Saint is killed. Castle and Russo then discussed their units while Russo noted that Orange had not even bothered to give them his actual name, with Russo questioning if Castle trusted Orange or not. Castle paused after Russo's car screeched to a halt on the street. Castle greeted Jerry who had come to investigate the noise he had heard on the rooftop and Castle claimed to be just up there for a cigarette to avoid his crazy sister, whom Jerry assumed was a woman named Betty. As Castle suggested that if Fiona was doing the kinds of jobs that got people killed, then Fiona would not have really cared about them, Bendix defended Fiona, noting that Castle did not know her. However, the Punisher then grabbed the dropped barbel and furiously pinned Kazan up against the wall by his throat, as he then demanded to know who it was who had hired Fiona's Crew to take the photographs, although Kazan insisted that he would get killed if he told him, while the Punisher warned that he would kill him if he did not. Castle would meet Karen again to get information on "Micro." The overconfident Cooley offered Castle painkillers but Castle only mocked his efforts. Castle made Page aware of his presence by putting a familiar song onto her radio and as Page and Schoonover drove down the road, Castle plowed into the side of the car with his own SUV, badly injuring Schoonover. An angry Castle told Hoyle that there was a five million dollar bounty on Bendix's head and Hoyle realized his mistake. Frank promises to talk to Dinah. It just pisses people off, you know, brings them together, makes them stronger. One man is about to bash another mans head in with a hammer when he is stopped by Daredevil. When Bendix noted that Madani had issues, Castle had simply commented that Bendix also had a big mouth on her. Castle simply just told him it was his funeral. You see, they're comin' after us both now. You are gonna beg to me. ""What do you wanna do? That evening, Castle watched closely towards Lance, Paulie, and Leo while their shift was over, suspecting that they might do something about the heist once Chavez was recruited. Mortified that Orange was more concerned for Operation Cerberus' mission than he was over all of the wounded and dead men, Castle charged forward and assaulted Orange for the deaths of his men, meaning to kill him as he ruptured Orange's eye-socket with a single punch while the soldiers tried to drag the furious Castle off the now horrified Orange. When Hoyle placed his gun down onto the table, Castle asked about why he had it, to which Hoyle noted that if Billy Russo ever began to remember everything, he feared that he could become his first target. Micro informed him that his friend died and Castle worried about making good on his promise to Henderson. Having been pulled away from the mirror, a horrifically scarred Russo had attempted to fight back, only for the Punisher to break his arm and slam him face-first into the mirror. That's what I do.Frank Castle to Karen Page. With seemingly all the gangs destroyed who had been involved in the terrible Massacre at Central Park root and stem, as well as all of the individuals such as Dutton and Ray Schoonover also now deceased, Castle believed that his family had finally been avenged once and for all. Bendix got up and asked if he could teach her to do it instead. [36], Help me, work with me to find the man who gave the order! But before he could finish his explanation, the apartment was swarmed with a flurry of gunfire from across the street. After that, all of the other events of the comic are put into motion. Upon hearing two other men entering the bathroom, the Punisher stopped the desperate O'Hare from calling for help by knocking him back and had then strangled him with his own tie until O'Hare had eventually chocked to death. With Billy Russo finally dead, the Punisher and Amy Bendix had gone to finish their conflict, as they went into the Schultz Mansion, as the Punisher allowed Bendix to go there alone to confront the Schultzes, while John Pilgrim had gone to rescue both of his sons. Castle warned Pilgrim that Schultz was in the trailer, but Castle's phone could set off the C-4 strapped to his chest. Enraged that Clive had tried to shoot him, Castle then struck him into the face with the gun, before reloading it and breaking both of Clive's arms by hitting him with the shotgun with some considerable force. Believing that Jack really did not know, the Punisher accepted his answer and calmly executed him by shooting him in the head, before searching his pockets for a phone. When the Punisher then looked at Schultz, he began to weep, knowing that he had been exposed, as the Punisher questioned their motivations. Jimmy is a freelance writer out of the Boston area. It is ultimately the lack of conflict in life that scares Castle rather than death and having no true home to call to. As Punisher inspected the various guns, he looked at the bulletproof vest, noticing that the design on the front resembled a skull. When Wolf came to, he was tied to a chair and Castle began to torture and interrogate him about Lieberman's whereabouts. Bendix noted that Castle was also bored, drank too much coffee and the frustration of losing kept him there. It's gonna be the same for you. As Castle treated his wounds, Daredevil asked why he was still alive and had not had his mask removed, but Castle ignored his comments, only informing him that he had no interest in his identity and began going through all the boxes of weapons he had stored on the roof for killing the Dogs of Hell. Madani then yelled for Castle to stop as she thought he had gone too far. The Punisher promised that whenever Russo looked at his reflection and only saw ugliness, he would always be reminded of his day. Him, me, all of us. Castle said that if Martin laid a finger on her, he would kill him. Castle was nearly knocked out, falling to the ground. The Punisher had to kill Deadpool multiple times, which serves as a running joke throughout the comic. He firmly believes that the truly evil deserve no mercy, and as such he holds no regret in the deaths of any criminal he kills. ""And then what, Red? Castle sneaked through the buses outside and was able to quietly take out a guard. Once he had what he wanted, Castle prepared to leave, but the greedy Clint tried to convince him to stay by offering pornographic films. Castle sat back, annoyed when he got called again. The two exchanged many shots. Before she could drive away, the Larkville Police Department would arrive and put Castle and Olin, was put under custody. Russo then told Castle about Anvil, with Castle teasing him over Russo's love for wearing fancy suits as well as cars and Russo's sexual relationship with Madani. Bendix stood up and lunged at the gun, but Castle moved away. Bendix had knocked on the door, as Clive looked through a peephole in the door and had immediately refused to allow Castle in. ""Well, you do what you gotta do.Brett Mahoney and Frank Castle. Inside, Castle used the emergency hatch to escape into the shaft, reaching the roof to escape via a zip-line. As they both argued, with Castle furiously throwing chairs across the room, Russo informed him that he was quitting the United States Marine Corps, and that Castle should consider joining him. What exactly happened to Frank Castle's family on Daredevil ? Russo claimed that he wish Castle had killed him back in Kandahar, causing Rawlins to laugh in his face. Yeah?""Yeah. Castle apologized, saying that he lost control. Frank Castle, Marvel's The Punisher, defines himself as a marine and a family man. Castle then watched Bendix walk away, before throwing his belongings back into his Van, and prepared to drive away from Michigan, currently intending to never return. After that, the comic fast-forwards to three years in the future, where Punisher only has Wolverine, Captain America, and Daredevil left in his sights. But there have been hints dropped throughout the first half of Season 2 that there is more to this story than even Frank knows. Despite her wanting to help, Castle refused to talk and told her to leave. However, just before they walked away, Bendix suggested that they could burn that studio to the ground if it made him feel better. It's in the basement of a restaurant. Seeking to find Billy Russo as soon as possible, Castle realized that he would likely decide to confront Curtis Hoyle in order to learn if he had known of Castle's whereabouts. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. ""You didn't, no you just shot him okay. Two Batch. The story is heartbreaking and relatable to any parent that has been on the brink. Castle was soon arrested and, despite the efforts of Nelson and Murdock, was sentenced to life in prison. Quinn had then admitted that she should throw Castle out, but noted that she did not feel the need to, calling these decisions stupid. Despite all his injuries, Castle was able to walk over to Cooley and threaten him with a shotgun, demanding to know who was responsible for the massacre at Central Park. The inmates continued to attack him with various weapons and shivs, but Castle's superior combat training allowed him to quickly disarm the men and use their weapons to stab them or crush their skulls, shrugging off a stab in the arm and strong blows from them as he killed more of the attacking criminals. Karen begged Frank not to torture the man, saying that he'd be dead to her if he killed Schoonover but the vigilante responded that it didn't matter, because Frank Castle was already dead. He saved Karen Page's life, and the two began an uneasy friendship, despite her misgivings over Castle's murderous ways when she witnessed him casually assassinate a room of low-level henchmen in Episode 11 (".380"). And anybody who came here today to hear me whine, to hear me beg? But even though Frank Castle didn't show up in Episode 5, that doesn't mean fans of The Punisher should skip it. But just in case you're fuzzy on the . Initially, Castle declined Fisk's offer for him to kill fellow prisoner and ruler of Ryker's, Dutton, in exchange for forming a beneficial partnership between them to survive in prison. Castle listened as Madani had noted that it was thought that Russo would eventually die during his six week long coma, while he was being treated at Sacred Saints Hospital, only for him to prove everybody wrong by surviving, as he eventually woke back up. Kept in handcuffs, Castle was brought to speak with them, as Hernandez ordered Castle's handcuffs to get taken off. Fisk then ordered all the guards to remove Castle's handcuffs and informed him that he would set him free, when Castle asked why, Fisk explained that he wished the Punisher to massacre all other criminal empires in New York City so that when Fisk got free, he could easily become the new Kingpin of Crime. However, Castle and Micro came up with his separate plan allowing Castle to be captured, in order for him to get a chance to murder Rawlins and Russo. Once he was out in the open, the Punisher told Russo to let the kids go free, only for Russo to keep his weapon on them and demand that the Punisher throw his gun and knife aside. I'm not the one that dies, kid. While Lance attempted to crawl for his gun, Castle intercepted and brutally crushed his arm to deal with Paulie. As Castle and Russo then discussed how long until they could return home, Castle teased Russo over knowing that he planned on meeting with several women when he got home, as Castle noted that he should instead choose one woman to settle down with, although Russo claimed he was too handsome not to share himself with multiple women. Castle was convinced by Hoyle that Russo was a priority target and they needed to deal with him as soon as possible. Castle proceeded to take a knife and ram it through Nelson's hand, saying he now had a permanent reminder of the Punisher. Castle's prediction was correct as he took up a sniping position directed at Hoyle's Apartment where he had Hoyle move Russo by a window where Castle could shoot him. ""Goddamn right, I did!Jigsaw and Punisher. As Castle was questioned by Lance, he was threatened to use his sledgehammer against Lance, daring that if he used it then Lance would be willing to fight him. The city's yours for the taking. With Jon Bernthal, Amber Rose Revah, Ben Barnes, Jason R. Moore. Then, but then, somebody found out, and everybody involved, they got killed. Way too much drama, way too much bullshit dressed as 'character development'. Trying to find Billy Russo. ""Something like that.Frank Castle and Wilson Fisk. Castle then fell to ground beside Rawlins' corpse, tired of holding his own from his torture and killing the CIA agent. Carl and Hayley then sat down beside the Punisher and thanked him for saving their lives. He yelled at Castle telling him to look at what he had done. That's right. When Matt's partner, Foggy, saved the day and swayed the jury in Episode 8 ("Guilty as Sin"), Castle took the stand and wrecked his lawyers' hard work to ensure he'd wind up heading to jail. Castle took up his position outside of Kazan's Gym, where he waited for several hours, until Kazan and other members from their Russian Mafia arrived. Castle started to berate Schultz, talking about all of the deaths at the hands of the Schultzes. ""He's not gonna get it.Frank Castle and Karen Page. That's second only to the Medal of Honor. When his wife, son, and daughter were murdered, a devastated Castle turned into a violent almost sociopathic individual, determined to kill every single criminal who had a hand in his family's death. Having failed to see what was about to happen in time, Castle was forced to look on helpless, in utter horror as his own wife, son and daughter were all gunned down during the crossfire. Castle nearly fell to the ground in sadness as he mourned over the bodies, realizing he was just like Russo. Fear, Frank. However, Castle was not going to listen. Micro and Castle talked about how they each met their wives. Once Murdock finished his statement, Castle asked Judge Cynthia Batzer if he could make a statement, and proceeded to tell the jury that he would commit the murders all over again, promising that he was not crazy and did not need Nelson and Murdock's help and that he would never be sent to a mental hospital for treatment. Checking the mirrors around the Carousel, the Punisher managed to find where Russo was hiding as the two began exchanging gunfire, using the horses as cover before the Punisher made a tactical retreat, forcing Russo to hunt him down. [8], I counted on it, now I can ask you face to face, who was there that day? As they then sat together, Quinn commenting on the scars across Castle's arms, with Castle recalling Amy Bendix's comment, calling it a rough road, which Quinn laughed at. Castle graciously thanked him before Dinah Madani came in, pardoning Castle. His next two arcs in the show, however, prove that something more complicated took place. When Rex asked if Castle actually had a son and where he was, Beth tried to end the conversation by telling Rex that Castle may not want to answer these questions, before Castle had then just explained that he did not get to see his son in the way that he wanted to. Frank? So much happened in Daredevil's sophomore season Matt Murdock's reignited romance with Elektra Natchios, Wilson Fisk's reintroduction, whatever was going on with the Hand and that giant hole in the ground so some details might be forgotten over a year later. Your ribs must be cracked. Having seen this, Castle knew that he was being hunted by the Irish and knew that sooner or later, they would undoubtedly find him and kill him, or much worse. The pair realized they had both been a part of the United States Marine Corps which gave themselves great respect for each other as Jerry left Castle alone to enjoy his cigarette and peace and quiet. Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. (season 3) The third and final season of the American streaming television series Daredevil, which is based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, follows Matt Murdock / Daredevil, a blind lawyer-by-day who fights crime at night. Castle had asked Hernandez about Russo following his disfigurement, being told that Russo was in a coma and all the doctors were still unsure of how much damage his brain had actually suffered during the beating. Well, here I am! While Castle got some ice to cover up his latest injuries, he explained that Sergei Konchevsky's people were not after them, as somebody had actually targeted them, telling Bendix that Nikolai Poloznev had targeted the Russian Mafia. Castle tells him about his encounters with Olin's mercenaries at Lola's Roadhouse and the Tides Motel, much to Hardin's disbelief. He hid behind a storage container, using an enemy's ammo before killing that person. Not willing to see the innocent animal put in harm's way, Castle finally admitted to where all the money was and Max was taken away to safety. Castle was able to shoot through the pain and punch his way out of the room, following Russo. What if nothing changes? Unbeknownst to Rawlins, Russo had cut Castle's cord, allowing him to kill the agent. ""What do I look like, RadioShack? Crucially, because this isn't actually the Punisher's show (though this episode appears to have mixed feelings about that), we don't hear all the details of his family's death. Daredevil tried to learn more about him, but Castle just told him to stop digging to try and get some kind of better understanding of his mindset. As punishment, Castle was tortured, with Cooley drilling a hole into his foot while the Punisher furiously promised to murder all of them. I'm guilty!Frank Castle. When Russo left, Castle and his family stayed in Central Park, unbeknownst to them that William Rawlins and Ray Schoonover decided to have Castle killed for he believed he leaked the torture and death of Ahmad Zubair. How did Frank Castle fake his death? I think you and me are the same!Frank Castle to Daredevil. In order to discuss Castle's brain injuries, Nelson and Murdock called in Andrew Lee to discuss the bullet wound Castle sustained during the massacre in Central Park. What exactly happened to Frank Castle's family on. Castle had then told Quinn about his late wife and two children, confessing that there were dead and noting this was not an accident, as they were taken from him. Go get 'em devil dog, go get 'em!Frank Castle and Billy Russo. Although evidently caught off guard, Castle still shot and fatally wounded Grotto before getting beaten down. Castle went to O'Connor's Residence to find Curtis Hoyle, only him to be tied up and rigged with mines. Having cleared out all of the Anvil agents, Castle then gotten back in contact with Dinah Madani, as he requested that she come alone to a secure location. Venom's death at the hands of The Punisher isn't exclusive to the Punisher Kills story line. But then, in Episode 7 ("Semper Fidelis"), when Elektra's meddling screwed up Murdock's opening defense statement in Castle's trial, it seemed like their client would stop cooperating. According to him, his parents were too old when they had him and consequently had difficulties to control him. You are gonna learn about pain. With Rawlins' crimes exposed, Castle was then finally allowed to regain freedom by the CIA and looked to begin a new peaceful life for himself. O'Rourke took out a needle and was surprised when Castle willingly gave him his arm to inject Castle. Several high-profile people are killed and the Punisher is framed, while Karen Page continues her investigation. However, Barrett then threatened to call the New York City Police Department and National Guard to come after Castle, to which Castle threatened to kill Barrett before he could even hang up the call. The next day, Ray Schoonover was bought in to be a new character witness for Castle, describing their time together in the United States Marine Corps and telling the story of how Castle had saved the lives of many soldiers by single-handedly taking on the enemy soldiers when they were trapped behind enemy lines. However, Russo spotted Punisher coming at him and began firing at his former friend, as the two exchanged gunfire before Punisher was struck into the leg, forcing him to take cover. Brett Mahoney drove in an ambulance while carrying Castle, who tried to reason with Mahoney. Bendix said she did not want to talk, but Castle simply asked where she was and explained that there was a bounty on her head. However, the Punisher managed to find the broken shard of glass and stabbed Russo in the gut with it, causing Russo to then stop in his tracks. Castle was later visited in the interrogation room of the prison by Karen Page who suggested that they bring forward a character witness from Castle's time in the United States Marine Corps who could possibly help their case. ""Then what? Barrett explained that the Russians did not carry guns in the gym due to the police presence, which would allow Castle to kill them. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Quinn then rested her head on Castle's chest, noting that his moving around must get lonely, while Castle remembered Karen Page's comments that they were always lonely, and just tried not to be, which Quinn agreed with. Russo then ordered his men to kill him. Frank Castle, the dead man? Here are 15 Superheroes The Punisher Has DESTROYED. Once Paulie drew his gun and attempted to kill Castle, he evaded Paulie's bullets as he dropped his sledgehammer and hid behind a pillar while Paulie fired randomly at him, missing every shot making an escape. Castle strapped the last remaining member of the bikers to the driver's seat of the truck and made him drive to the meeting point. Venom attacked The Punisher, and the two began to battle. The last time I'd see her, I'd be holding her lifeless body in my arms. Castle made his way through, shooting everyone that he saw. He continued to cause trouble across the city and created his own tribe in the abandoned Baxter Building. Spider-Man is positioned as the primary antagonist throughout the story, mainly because he was patient zero in the outbreak. As Ray Schoonover was taken away, Castle and all the others were looked at, with Castle himself washed the enemy blood from his face and spat out almost a bucket load of his blood while trying to keep himself calm. ""Yeah, okay.Frank Castle to Donny Chavez. ""Sometimes.Amy Bendix and Frank Castle. He can't go to you, he can't go to me, so where does he go? Finding himself in an open hallway surrounded by hostiles, Castle continued firing until he took a bullet to the shoulder which knocked him to the ground as he hid behind a pillar. I just want three seasons for ALL Netflix Marvel shows, they are so good. Punisher had a hard time thinking of a way to kill Thing, but eventually decided on armor-piercing missiles.

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